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Ernie Kovacs
Ernie Kovacs is a role model for many comics and one of my favorite comedians. I was fortunate enough to attend a few of his shows when he was on the Dumont network in New York in the mid fifties. He was "Television’s Original Genius." Even before the use of chroma key*, his ‘hole in the head’ routine was amazing.

Ernest Edward Kovacs was born in Trenton, New Jersey on January 23rd, 1919. After graduating from high school, Ernie went to acting school and ended up as a radio DJ on Trenton’s WTTM. Because of his hysterical nutty humor, he became a hit and had his own newspaper column. This led to TV in  Philadelphia on WPTZ-TV (an NBC affiliate)  around 1950. Ernie’s genius for visual comedy and the innovative use of video technology changed the way we’d view television forever.

Ernie created characters that set precedences  for  Saturday Night Live, Johnny Carson, Craig Ferguson and many other comedians.

In the early 50’s Ernie moved to CBS where his show was called "Kovacs Unlimited". His "Ernie Kovacs Show" was aired on the old Dumont network (now Fox5) WABD in the mid 50s.

We unfortunately lost Ernie in a Los Angeles automobile  accident on January 12th 1962. He was at the height of his career, but his legend lives on.

*The “green” screen technique used by TV Weather Forecasters

Click picture for Kovac's Nairobi Trio Video
Ernie Kovacs

Click picture for Kovac's Eugene Video Ernie at Lunch

Click picture for Kovac's Percy Dovetonsils Percy Dovetonsils